Your Guide To Living With HS

Some may confuse Hidradenitis Suppurativa or HS with sweat pimples or bumps from clothing that may be too tight. Still, unfortunately, that is not the case with this disease. HS, also known as acne inversa, is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects apocrine gland-bearing skin.

This condition is responsible for persistent or recurrent boil-like abscesses or nodules that lead to scarring, sinuses, and purulent discharges. These blemishes are most commonly found in the groin, under the arms, and under the breasts. This condition is uncomfortable on any part of the body it affects; it can also play a significant role in psychological manifestation. Many patients experience substantial anxiety and depression due to the impaired body image caused by HS.

Enjoy A New Lifestyle

HS can affect single or multiple areas over the body that are typically unexposed to sunlight or come in contact with other body parts. If you’re in the Mansfield, Bucyrus, or Marion regions and happen to notice open comedones, painful and firm papules, pustules, draining inflamed lesions, or atrophic scars, allow the medical professionals at Dermatology Associates of Mid-Ohio to create a personalized plan of treatment for you find and assist with alleviating uncomfortable symptoms. We’ll assess the severity of which stage is active and measure by clinical diagnosis with monitored treatment responses. The three main stages are solitary, recurrent, and diffuse involvement. Diagnosis and lifestyle changes like weight loss and smoking cessation are the first steps of treatment, along with proper dressings and topical antibiotics.

Living Life With Hidradenitis Suppurativa

There are some preventable causes of the severity of HS. This condition typically starts in the puberty stages and becomes most active at the ages of 20-40 years old. It primarily affects females, with a 30-40% report of a family member having it in the past. Obesity, smoking, and insulin resistance, especially in African ethnicities, are more likely to develop this disease unless lifestyle changes are made early in its development. Other causes of Hidradenitis Suppurativa are follicular occlusion, Crohn’s Disease, psoriasis, hypertension, diabetes, PASH (pyoderma gangrenosum, acne, suppurative hidradenitis), plus many other factors.

We look forward to working together to find the treatment plan that fits you.

Schedule an appointment with one of our certified physicians today.